Корректный testimonials php. Тестимониал. Как работают отзывы

TESTIMONIÁL, Ă, testimoniali, e, adj. (Rar) Care se face prin martori, care se bazează pe o mărturie. – Din fr. testimonial, lat. testimonialis. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  testimoniál adj. m. (sil. ni al), pl … Dicționar Român

testimonial - tes‧ti‧mo‧ni‧al [ˌtestˈməʊniəl ǁ ˈmoʊ ] noun 1. MARKETING a statement about the quality or value of a product, especially one made by a respected or famous person as part of an advertisement: The ads feature testimonials from car… … Financial and business terms

Testimonial - Voir « testimonial » sur le Wiktionnaire … Wikipédia en Français

testimonial - testimonial, iale, iaux [ tɛstimɔnjal, jo ] adj. 1274; lat. testimonialis, de testimonium → témoin ♦ Dr. Preuve testimoniale, qui repose sur des témoignages. ● testimonial nom masculin Annonce publicitaire fondée sur le témoignage d une ou… … Encyclopédie Universelle

testimonial - adjetivo 1. Que tiene valor de testimonio: presencia testimonial, prueba testimonial … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

Testimonial - Tes ti*mo ni*al, n. ). See {Testimonial}, a.] 1. A writing or certificate which bears testimony in favor of one s character, good conduct, ability, etc., or of the value of …

Testimonial - Tes ti*mo ni*al, a. Relating to, or containing, testimony. … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

testimonial - (adj.) early 15c., of or pertaining to testimony, in letters testimonial from M.Fr. lettres testimoniaulx, from L. litteræ testimoniales, from testimonium (see TESTIMONY (Cf. testimony)). The noun meaning writing testifying to one s qualification … Etymology dictionary

testimonial - index affirmation, deposition, monument, recommendation, remembrance (commemoration), reminder, respect … Law dictionary

testimonial - testimonial, ale (tè sti mo ni al, a l) adj. Qui atteste, prouve. Preuves testimoniales, preuves par témoins. J ajouterai que les preuves de Rosen ne furent que testimoniales, SAINT SIMON 143, 88. Lettres testimoniales,… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d"Émile Littré

testimonial - n recommendation, *credential, character, reference Analogous words: commendation (see corresponding verb at COMMEND): approval, endorsement (see corresponding verbs at APPROVE) … New Dictionary of Synonyms


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I have been a supporter of Appnitro Machform since the day I found their website. Their application makes things so simple, especially for a designer with little .php experience like myself. Their support, even after years of purchase is unrivaled in my 20+ years of online experience and I cannot recommend them too highly.

M achform is one of the best things that I ever did for my website. It organizes everything beautifully and makes it really easy to keep track of emails, or order forms. For only paying a one time fee you get more than just the software. I had a few questions through the installation process and Appnitro was able to get back to me with in 1 days time or less (even on weekends). I would recommend this software to anyone!

I ’ve been using MF for about 4 years… You guys have provided us a remarkable product and it has made things much easier and efficient for us all to gather information from our clients and customers in a highly elegant and customizable way. Besides that, you have patiently dealt with countless customers of your own with all our issues and demands and have delivered on maintaining your product/standing behind it. Your customer service is stellar and you have always been open to feedback, suggestions, criticisms and feature requests. Wow, you guys are truly set apart form other providers out there and we all have something to learn from you. Your work is truly inspiring. So,… if you haven’t heard it enough, I’ll say it for the rest of us who are too busy to say it themselves: thank you!

If I were on top, I’d vote you guys for small web-based company of the year, maybe of the decade!!

F unctional, affordable, simple web form software with really, really good support. Love what these guys are doing.

I am impressed with MachForm. The software creates great forms, very fast. I would recommend it over Wufoo or other online builders. I was especially impressed by how quickly tech support fixed an html email autoresponder for me. They responded within the same day, allowing me to finish my project on time, with a VERY satisfied client.

J ust want to pop a Feel-Good note out there to say I am MIGHTY impressed with this software! This is now my official go-to software for forms. Worth every penny.

We use it for registration, and then use the forward URL feature to send it to an ECWID -based (Which I also highly recommend) store for payment. Everything you could want was in there (and that you could want to customize) and making forms was too easy.

Good stuff. Kudos!

W e use an eclectic bunch of software to run our business, which is entirely online. Our key criteria are the software delivers 0) secure operation on Linux, 1) a professional experience for our clients, 2) integration with our other software, 3) integration with our design, 4) easy administration, 5) responsive support, and 6) business metrics and reporting. Appnitro’s MachForm rates highly on all of these criteria, and we’ve been pleased enough with its performance to recommend MachForm to others in search of excellent web form submission and results collection software.

S tunning forms in an instant! – It is a truly great product and produces amazing forms with so little effort. It really is as good as it looks – better in fact!

It’s SOOOOO super easy!

A clean interface and an easy way to setup web-based forms for your web site.

M achform has been one of the best tools for our website. For something so simple, you get so much in return. Highly Recommended.

Y our script deserves a ’10′ in my book. You created a fantastic script that does everything we wanted without the bloatware.

T he fitting was very easy. With Machform we could almost complete twice as many requests.

O verall, I found Machform (Yuniar) very conscientious and professional. This online form is the most advanced, easy to set up and simple I ever seen on the market so far.
You won’t be sorry when you buy this software! Highly recommended!

I have tried many, many form scripts, some I bought and some were free.
So I just wanted to let you know I love this software, it is VERY easy to use, works like a charm and is without a doubt the BEST form software I have come across!

I t is the perfect balance between ease of use and flexibility. We have been able to customise the input fields as much as necessary, and so far have come across nothing that was limiting. Your use of ajax makes form management a no-brainer, and the ability to export form entries makes client management an absolute
pleasure. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you a single thing about MachForm that we haven’t liked. Personally, my favourite feature is how tightly you’ve integrated drag-and-drop and form management. From one techie to another, this is a truly solid application.

Dincer Terzioglu, Account Manager
The Design Shed

I just wanted to thank you all for the quick turn around time. You people are people with integrity.
Once again, thank you very much.

Ted Siuta

L OVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful tool. I was struggling trying to come up with a decent looking form and after spending just minutes with your product, I have a form that is incredibly useful, professional looking, and better than anything I could have done on my own. Thank you so much!

Erika Phillips

I purchased your form app and I am really impressed about how powerful and easy it is. I have over 5 years of PHP / MySQL development in web tv broadcasting and in this business time is money !
This app is worth the last cent I spent!

I take great pleasure in writing this note of appreciation. Our long search for a quality developer of forms who can visualize our dreams and make it come true, came to an end in the form of Appnitro – MachForm.

We Would like to place on record our profound gratitude & sincere thanks for the excellent service rendered to us during the pre-sales and after sales support with the highest sense of Professionalism. The Conceptual skills, step by step systematic approach, attention to details & precise documentation, meticulous planning & implementation, all handed out with kindness are the Hallmark of their achievement & Key objectives towards total customer satisfaction.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Yuniar and every member of his esteemed Organization.

T he support on this product has been EXCEPTIONAL! Really.
Note to anyone considering this product: Take comfort in that fact that this product works great and that this support group and forum will help you get up and running in no time. Really. So rest assured that this is a good purchase.

Arron Diaz

F irst rate product! Purchased, downloaded, installed, created my first extensive form, entered data and exported to excel in 36 minutes flat. And I’m no expert at installing software on a web server!
In less than another hour, I have the form integrated into my Joomla site. Hooray!

Kim Ball

M achForm was the best purchase I’ve ever made for my website. It extremely simple to use, and makes keeping in contact with my customers quick and easy – and in times like these where social media is king, that’s exceptionally important to staying in business. However, the very best thing about MachForm has been the customer service. I had some issues early on trying to do something with my forms that wasn’t normally done. Instead of telling me, ‘Sorry, we don’t do that,” they actually took the time to write code in order to solve my problem! Then they walked me through the step-by-step process of installing it into the backend of my website!! I have never had such a wonderful, personal, friendly, FANTASTIC customer service experience. MachForm will have my business – and that of my website owning friends and family – for life.

Nicole Wright, Owner
Facebook for Your Business

W ow-if you are interested in software that allows you to create a variety of forms for on-line use, than Machform is your answer. I’m swamped with new business start up but had to take 2 minutes to give a shout out to Yuniar’s incredible tech support! Any time i have encountered a problem with being able to use my forms he has been right on top of not just diagnosing my problem but also fixing settings so the problem was fixed with incredible speed! I can’t tell you how happy i am to have found this diamond in the ruff!

M achform has exceeded our expectations from day one. The very first time I used it we got over 4000 responses which led to a number of new coaching relationships. We wondered what had taken us so long to start using surveys. Best of all, Machform is easy to use, feature rich and–importantly–makes it easy for our customers to respond.

Scot McKay
X & Y Communications

I can’t tell you how happy I am with the MachForm product. We loved V. 2 and V. 3 is even better.

We’re a web design firm and often need to get scripts on our clients’ behalf. Believe me, there is a lot of poor quality product out there. That’s why it’s so great to have discovered MachForm. It’s well built, easy to use, powerful, and easy to customize. It’s very clear to me that your programmers take a lot of pride in what they do. It shows!

Keep up the great work!

M achForm is hands down the best online form software! Trust me, I have researched a lot of other form services online until I came across MachForm. Most services host the contact data on their servers which I do not very much approve of and also paying monthly subscription is not my thing. Finally I found MachForm and it has been a sheer blessing. Its robust, powerful, feature rich, elegant and most importantly very user-friendly and simple to use. It has an auto-responder system which I simply love and you can customise the message to look very professional. Thank you guys for such a fabulous product and at a price that’s not only affordable but completely justified for the quality of service you get in return! I wholeheartedly endorse and recommend MachForm

I wanted to say how above and beyond the support team at at Appnitro software has gone to help get my Machform forms on my website up and running. As a photographer, a booking form is very important, and while I can take a great photo, I am not great at the computer end of things. The team at Appnitro lead me through every step and even helped fix my personal mistakes in order to get it running perfectly the way I needed it.

My highest recommendation and appreciation for their services!

I f you’re like me, it’s often you grow somewhat disgruntled with software after discovering missing functionality, ineffective support and poor implementation.

To my delight, MachForm is nothing of the sort but continues to surprise and impress long after you license it!

MachForm is simply in a class of its own!

T o all at MachForm and Appnitro Software,

I spent some 20 years in the IT Consulting field and in that time I have discovered that it is rare to find a group that produce a fantastic product such as MachForms, and also back it up with such OUTSTANDING support!

Your product has literally cut down our Form Design costs by DAYS PER EACH FORM that we have to design, and implementation into our site could not be simpler! Your guidance and assistance is also OUTSTANDING as our forms have several unique features that go way beyond the requirements of a static form and MachForms easily meets those challenges!

Thank You for making our lives here so much easier with such a great product!

I just wanted to thank you for such a quick reply with a working solution to my issue that is now resolved. I am very grateful.

I’ve got to say, I am so pleased that I chose Mackform over all of the other similar products on the market because yours is definitely the best product that I have seen and I done a lot of research before I made my final purchase. No other form building product offers so many standard features at an affordable one-time fee like Machform. Your closest competitor, Wufoo, charges almost 6 times as much for a comparative product and even that’s only for one year.

Once again, thank you for an incredible product.

Y our programmers and staff and nothing less than genius. I am serious when I say that. MachForm is not just a great program, it’s a work of art. We bought several licenses for various projects.

Thanks for the affordable price, great support and awesome forums.

I’ve been into computers since the days of the VIC20 and the mastery of MachForm just blows me away. A warm thank you for all your work, I wish you continued success and great holidays.

Have a feature request?

Sweet! Feature requsts on Github: https://github.com/lukerollans/clean-testimonials/issues?labels=enhancement

Want to contribute?

Clean Testimonials on Github: http://github.com/lukerollans/clean-testimonials

Clean Testimonials enables you to easily and quickly add Testimonials to your WordPress website. The plugin integrates seamlessly with your existing WordPress admin area, so you will feel right at home.

There are a few simple ways to manage your testimonials:

  1. Easy to use shortcodes when editing content in the WordPress admin area.
  2. The built-in Testimonial Widget to display a specific or random testimonial
  3. PHP code if you are a developer (see FAQ).

This plugin is in constant development. If you have any feature requests or questions, please feel free to submit them via the support forum.


  • Creates a «Testimonials» link in your WordPress admin area which allows you or your visitors to submit Testimonials.
  • Leverages the simplicity of WordPress shortcodes, allowing you to easily display your Testimonials wherever you like (see FAQ for individual shortcodes).
  • Categorize Testimonials any way you see fit and display those categories wherever you like.
  • Creates a Testimonial Widget which allows you to display your testimonials in sidebar or widgetized areas.
  • Display random testimonials using either a shortcode or the built-in widget.
  • Ships with CAPTCHA support, but you can turn it off if you like
  • Allows your visitors to upload a thumbnail with their testimonial.
  • Allows your visitors to choose whether their contact details are displayed with their testimonials.
  • Allows powerful customizations for developers.
  • Setup for translation, so if you’re a translator, get translating!
  • Supports WP-Paginate if installed.

Please Note: Although any output Clean Testimonials generates is well structured, no styling is shipped out of the box. This means it is up to your theme to decide how the output will be styled.

If you have found this plugin useful, consider taking a moment to rate it, or perhaps even a small donation.



  1. Upload the clean-testimonials folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Часто задаваемые вопросы

Can testimonials be submitted by my visitors automatically?

Yes. On top of your ability to add and edit testimonials in the WordPress admin area, you can also use a shortcode to display a form on any page you like. This form will create a new testimonial when a user fills it out. The shortcode to do this is

When a user submits a testimonial, it will default to «Draft» status. You will need to publish any testimonials this way before they will display on your site. Just in case someone writes anything naughty!

How do I display all of my testimonials?

To display all testimonials with pagination, use the shortcode.

How do I display a testimonial?

To display a single testimonial you can use the shortcode, where «xyz» is the ID of the testimonial you wish to display.
You can copy and paste the testimonial shortcode complete with ID from your Testimonials admin page in WordPress.

How can I display a category of testimonials?

To display a category of testimonials (with pagination!), you can use the shortcode. where «xyz» is the ID of the testimonial category you wish to display.
You can also display testimonials from multiple categories by using where «xyz» is the first ID and «abc» is the second. You can pass in as many ID’s as you like, just separate them with commas.

You can copy and paste this shortcode complete with ID from the Testimonials -> Categories admin page in WordPress.

Can I display a random testimonial?

Yes, you can use the Testimonial Widget and specify the «random» option, or you can use the shortcode.

Can I change the number of testimonials shown per page?

Yes. Specify the «per_page» attribute when using the shortcode. EG, .

Available filters

The following filters are available in Clean Testimonials so you can customise it to your liking.

  1. new_testimonial_notification — Filter whether an email notification should be sent to the administrator when a new testimonial is submitted.
  2. new_testimonial_email — Filter which email address which the new testimonial notification email is sent to. Defaults to administrator email.
  3. new_testimonial_confirmation_message — Filter the text which is displayed when a new testimonial is received.
  4. new_testimonial_failure_message — Filter the text which is displayed when a testimonial submission fails.
  5. ct_disable_captcha — Return true to disable captcha on the testimonial submission form
Available actions

The following actions are available in Clean Testimonials so you can customise it to your liking.
1. ct_before_render_testimonial — Fires before a testimonial is rendered. Passes in $testimonial and $context
1. ct_after_render_testimonial — Fires after a testimonial is rendered. Passes in $testimonial and $context

I am a developer, what can you tell me?

The following information might be handy for you to know.

  1. Testimonials operate via a custom post type which is simply named «testimonial».
  2. Testimonials are grouped in a custom taxonomy named «testimonial_category».
  3. The Testimonial widget class name is «Testimonial_Widget» and of course extends WP_Widget.

Журнал изменений

  • Removed developer output from shortcode


  • Added translation support.
  • Added filter «ct_disable_captcha» to allow disabling captcha.
  • Multiple categories can now be passed in a shortcode. EG, .
  • Added a one donation donation/rating request. Enjoying this free plugin? Please show some one time love!
  • Updated PayPal donation address in readme


  • Added ct_pre_render_testimonial, ct_render_testimonial and ct_after_render_testimonial hooks.
  • ct_pre_render_testimonial is a filter which allows a developer to completely override how a testimonial looks.
  • ct_render_testimonial is a filter which allows a developer to filter the default testimonial styling before Clean Testimonials outputs it.
  • ct_after_render_testimonial is an action which triggers every time a testimonial is rendered, allowing you to perform your own actions afterwards.
  • Added ‘context’ parameter to each testimonial render (including the above hooks). This allows a developer further flexibility in how a testimonial should be rendered.
  • Minor tweak to the testimonial cycle code
  • The testimonial cycle AJAX request now takes ‘context’ and ‘word_limit’ as a parameter

Props to @ericdaams for this release!


  • Simple maintenance release. No functionality change.


  • Fixed bug causing testimonial widget to display a PHP warning when no random categories were selected


  • Introduced new filters to customize testimonial submission behaviour. See FAQ.
  • Added filter to customize CAPTCHA theme. EG, red (default), white, blackglass or clean. See FAQ.
  • Added ability to specify ordering in the shortcode. EG,
  • Added shortcode attribute to allow basic AJAX powered random testimonial cycling


  • Bug fixes. Woops!


  • An email notification is now sent to the site owner when a new testimonial is submitted
  • The Testimonial Widget «random» option now allows you to specify source categories if you wish
  • Added «word_limit» attribute to and shortcodes, allowing you to truncate long testimonials if you wish


  • Fixed bug causing testimonial submission form to appear incorrectly


  • Fixed bug causing Testimonials submitted via the template submission form to be saved as incomplete


  • Added CAPTCHA to testimonial submission form


  • Added «per_page» attribute to shortcode which allows you to specify how many testimonials to display per page. EG, . Default is 2
  • Fixed small PHP warning which could be generated when testimonial pagination is rendered


  • When displaying a testimonial, the comma separating the client name and company name will no longer be displayed if the company name is not set


  • Fixed output positioning of shortcode data


  • Small security updates


  • Fixed bug causing Featured Images (thumbnails) to not appear on the Testimonial edit page
  • Added Testimonial Widget
  • Changed shortcode to accept «random» as an ID which, in turn, outputs a random testimonial

It is a simple looking but useful testimonial plugin for your website. You can show unlimited testimonials without headache. It can also be inserted anywhere in the template file|

OT Testimonial is a high-customized Wordpress plugin without fee. It helps you to show testimonials from customers, readers and other users. Normally, people want to know users’ opinions before making a decision. That’s why testimonials should be showed on your wordpress website. OT Testimonial is built on the base of Bootstrap Carousel , and be easily to turn into action on wordpress theme which are developed on bootstrap 3 .

It is a simple looking but useful testimonial widget for your website. They are able to show unlimited testimonials using widget setting, add on more testimonials that you want on the wordpress website with diversified layouts, such as:

Testimonials slider with 1 column
+ Testimonials slider with 2 columns
+ Testimonials slider with thumbnails
+ Testimonials with grid layout
+ Testimonials with list layout

Note: OT Testimonial is compatible with most of all the browsers like Firefox, Internet Explorer (IE9+), Chrome, Opera, Safari etc.


You have various ways to display the testimonials from customers or clients: in a slider form or with grid and list layout. Just one click and will have a beautiful testimonial section that fits your website"s design.

OT Testimonial Widget comes with responsive design. You can view the module display perfectly on any mobile device as well as desktop. For mobile edition, the module is very lightweight due to our high optimization.

It"s dead-easy to use OT Testimonial Widget .

You will find it simply to create your own slider style suitable to your template without knowledge of PHP, HTML, or CSS. The slider preview in admin panel will let preview it live before publishing.

Нажимаем на поля и удаляем лишние. Можете добавить свои, произвольные.

Strong Testimonials — настройка произвольных полей

я оставил: Имя, Отзыв, Фото. Нажимаем сохранить.

Создание отображения списка комментариев

Настройка произвольных полей в первом виде

Внимательно читаем, что к чему относится. Не забудьте добавить свои произвольные поля в наш новый создаваемый вид и удалите те, которые уже не существуют.

комментарии для wordpress — настройка вида

Настройка стилей

Да тут вообще все оставить можно как есть. Разберетесь позже.

  • Template — это шаблон. Играйтесь как хотите или оставьте по умолчанию.
  • Layout — в одну колонку или в две, прямоугольные отзывы или нет, все дело на вкус и цвет. Оставляем как есть, ведь вид можно изменить позже.
  • Background — задний фон. Оставляем как есть или играемся по своему усмотрению.
  • CSS Class Names — а здесь лучше указать свой класс. например my_otziv
  • Нажимаем кнопку сохранить

Создаем новую страницу, и называем ее — Отзывы . Вставляем туда шорткод нашего первого вида — этот шорткод отвечает за вывод самих комментариев. id — может быть любым.

Создаем форму в плагине Strong Testimonials

Слева, в меню, находим testimonials > Views, переходим в наши виды и создаем еще один новый. Да, да еще один новый вид.

нажимаем сохранить на страничке и просматриваем ее. Как видим у нас появилась страничка с формой отзывов. Но возникли проблемы. Нужно ее приукрасить и сделать на своем языке. Не устраивает Required Field и Add Testimonial итд…

Дополнительные настройки

Заходим в меню -> testimonials -> настройка -> form

выполняем замену описаний форм на свое. Смотрите фото:

Добавляйте отзывы через нашу форму на созданной страничке Отзывы . Заходите в админку -> меню -> testimonials -> и одобряйте или блокируйте их.

Любая мелочь настраивается в этом плагине, например: Как Вас зовут? (имя, или полное ФИО) — это редактируется в полях. Данное выражение можно засунуть внутрь формы. Переставив данную фразу с Label на Подсказка — смотрите справа конструктор!Можно форму отделить от вывода списков комментариев заголовком.

Копки стили CSS

так как мы каждому виду, задали свой стиль:

  • my_otziv — для отображения отзывов
  • my_form_onziv — для отображения формы

то, внешне, можно подогнать под стиль сайта отображение вида списка отзывов и самой формы.

Видео: Страница отзывов. Полная пошаговая инструкция


Strong Testimonials — плагин, благодаря которому, легко можно организовать произвольную связь с посетителями, которые легко поделятся впечатлениями ваших услуг.

Особенности :

  • Создание произвольных полей, напоминает конструктор
  • Интуитивно понятный интерфейс
  • Легкая интеграция шорткодами в странички блога
  • Создание виджитов
  • Хороший рейтинг
  • Постоянное обновление
  • Частичная русификация

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